Hurt Passes Up Debate

January 8, 2010

Back in late November Mark Lloyd of the Lynchburg Tea Party spoke with State Senator Robert Hurt about the three planned tea party sponsored debates for the candidates running for the GOP congressional nomination. Well aware that the state legislature would be starting in mid January he wanted to make sure that the first debate to take place in Charlottesville would be scheduled at the Senator’s convenience. It was agreed that Friday evening January 22nd would work well for Hurt. Mark then contacted me and I was able to retain the use of Lane Auditorium for that night. All was set to go with the other candidates agreeing to participate in the debate.

Now with three weeks until the debate the Senator’s people now say that he will be unable to make this debate as well as the one two weeks later sponsored by the UVA’s Young Republicans. I cannot speak for the UVA group but we went out of our way to make sure that all could attend this January 22nd event and now Hurt will end up being a no show.

The only reason that I can see why the Senator has changed his mind is because of the heat he has been experiencing from the grassroots over his tax vote in 2004 along with his other questionable votes. I believe that Hurt has given up trying to win over the grassroots and because he was able to force a primary does not feel that he needs their support at this time. With five conservative candidates in the mix plus him he knows quite well that the grassroots vote could be split five ways with the moderates and crossover Democrat votes going to him. He most probably believes that this splitting of the vote will give him the small percentage he needs to win.

If Hurt does win the primary I hope the people who make up the grassroots will remember his snub. I am not saying that you should vote for Perriello over Hurt but maybe you may want to stay home instead of knocking on doors. Let Hurt have his people do the grassroots work, after all we are not worthy.

America Rising: An Open Letter to Democrat Politicians

January 5, 2010

Tea Party Workshop In Lynchburg

December 29, 2009

This workshop is free. Joy C. Jones, founder of the Reagan Institute for Conservative Leadership PAC, is going to be the instructor. This is NOT a seminar telling you how to lead or organize your specific group, rather it is going to offer information of the basic political system and how to organize to influence and change it allowing you to educate your members. Anyone interested in attending please rsvp to the number or email address on the flyer which is linked below.


Newt Gingrich: Throw Out the Judges

December 19, 2009

Danville Tea Party Let’s Obama Know What They Think

December 18, 2009

The Danville group raised money so this plan could fly around the DC beltway during morning rush hour.

Olbermann Criticizes Tea Party & Rutherford Institute

December 15, 2009

The barely known Keith Olbermann of MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann took a shot at John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute calling him the “worst person in the world” because of the letter he wrote in support of the Tea party protest outside Perriello’s Charlottesville. Of course Olbermann also managed to take his usual shot at these constitutional activists, using the derogatory term “teabaggers”, knowing full well the sexual connotation that term carries. Not to worry though no one watches his show anyway.

In the Daily Progress in reference to Olbermann’s comments Whitehead stated: “I accept with great humility Keith Olbermann’s conferring me with the ‘World’s Worst Person’ gold award.” Olbermann had the audacity to call Whitehead lazy referring to him as the leader of the area tea party. It seems to me that Olbermann is the lazy one or maybe just ignorant, whatever fits. He can’t even bother to find out that Whitehead has had no involvement with the tea party with the exception of drafting this letter.

I am not surprised that Olbermann and MSNBC are one of the lowest rated cable news networks on TV.

GOP Buries Grassroots

December 12, 2009

“This afternoon the business as usual Republican unit chairs of the 5th district chose to ignore the outcry from the grassroots and majority of congressional candidates and voted for a primary to decide the 5th district GOP congressional candidate. The vote was not even close with 19 voting for a primary and 13 against.” Virginia5thDistrict blog.

Roughly a hundred people showed up at this district meeting voicing their desire for a convention to choose the next GOP congressional candidate. This meeting was very reminiscent of the Perriello town halls in which the people express there opinion and then Tom chooses to ignore them. I expected that from someone of Perriello’s ilk but thought that the unit chairs of the republican party would be different. I was wrong.

From the start it was obvious what direction this vote would take, it was to head in a direction that would favor the middle of the road candidate, Robert Hurt. It was quite painful watching this process knowing that the decision had been made even before the meeting started. The fix was in and had been so ever since Hurt announced his candidacy and the NRCC put him forth as the candidate of choice. The one thing I learned today is that it is impossible to fight the machine on it’s own terms.

I am thinking that it is time to change the terms. An independent took control of the NY 23rd race why not the Virginia 5th? Something to ponder.

Americans For Prosperity Sending Bus To DC

December 10, 2009

AFP has a Northern Fifth District bus next week to DC to ‘remind’ the Senate how to vote on the healthcare bill. This rally is bringing folks from many states.

We have a bus that will pick up passengers at Zion’s Crossroads and Forest Lakes Food Lion per the schedule below. Can you share for AFP via Tea Party channels? RSVP email is or via phone to me, 757-968-6897.

The Central Virginia bus schedule is as follows:






1500 (Estimated) – DEPART WASHINGTON DC


Event Is Being Held Tuesday December 15th.

Tea Party Banned From Perriello’s Office

November 17, 2009

The Jefferson Area Tea Party has been officially banned from the area around Congressman Tom Perriello’s office. The landlord of the building where Perriello’s office is located, Lisa Murphy, has convince the local officials that recent protests outside the office is negatively affecting the other tenants in the building. continued

Pink Slip For Tom

November 15, 2009
